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Eliminate toxins with our detox programs.

Our Foundational Detox Program is a comprehensive method of restoring the body to a state of dynamic equilibrium.

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In our modern world, we come in contact with thousands of chemicals, toxins and pollutants on a daily basis.

You deserve it all.

Health, energy, vitality and your ideal body! In our modern world however, there are an increasing number of challenges preventing you from looking and feeling your best. From household cleaning products to personal care and cosmetics, you come in contact with more toxins before you leave your house than you can count.

Add to that environmental pollutants, chemicals from food and day-to-day stress and it's no wonder you feel powerless to take back your health. Regaining control over your health is easier than you think -- and it starts by addressing the underlying reasons that are keeping you stuck where you are right now. By combining the science of Functional Medicine with ancient Ayurvedic traditions, the Foundational Detox is a comprehensive method of restoring the body to a state of dynamic equilibrium.

The Foundational Detox Advantage

A comprehensive approach to health.


Far more than your regular protein shake, Daily Nutritional Support is a powerful weight loss, anti-aging and wellness solution.


A comprehensive, full body Functional Medicine detoxification system that gently eliminates harmful toxins while rebalancing the body at an underlying root cause level.


Fortified with a wide range of activated vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, detox co-factors, and electrolytes to fill the nutritional gaps in your diet.


With Functional Medicine ingredients and Ayurvedic herbs you'll get support for for both phase 1 and phase 2 liver detoxification.

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As chemicals, toxins and pollutants accumulate in our body, they can have a number of adverse affects on our health -- from weight gain and fatigue to brain fog, bloating and more.

The Foundational Detox Program is a comprehensive, full body Functional Medicine detoxification system that gently eliminates harmful toxins while rebalancing the body at an underlying root cause level.

Benefits include...

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Top 6 ingredients

Vitamins + Minerals

Key vitamins + minerals to support the body during detox.


An antioxidant critical in liver detoxification.


Accident that enhances the livers, detoxification ability.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

A useful antioxidant that improves detoxification.


A trifecta of ayurvedic herbs supporting detox and digestion.

Milk Thistle

An herbal ingredient for liver health and detoxification.

Weight gain, brain fog, low mood or bloating?

They all have something in common! They're symptoms, but they are not the cause. That's because the true problem starts at a deeper level due to an imbalance, toxicity or deficiency that can be difficult to uncover.


An easy to follow protocol

Step 1

Daily Nutritional Support

It is a vegan, hypoallergenic protein powder, fortified with a wide range of activated vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, detox co-factors, and electrolytes, making it a one-stop-shop to fill the nutritional gaps in your diet.

Step 2

AYU Detox

The AYU Detox utilizes rare botanical extracts that have been used in traditional Aryuvedic medicine for centuries to assist the body through detoxification. Triphala, a combination of three ayurvedic herbs, has been formulated in careful synchrony to support the body through both phases of liver detoxification.

Step 3

FM Detox

The FM Detox (no NAC) provides your body with important amino acids, antioxidants, herbal extracts, trace minerals, and essential vitamins to promote and enhance detoxification, while protecting the liver. The FM Detox utilizes the best of Functional Medicine to enhance detoxification, while supporting the liver.

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What people are saying...

I've done programs like this before, but this one is wonderful. The recipes were quick, easy and delicious. The whole family ate them. This reminded me of how I should be eating. I lost 5 lbs and am getting into my pants better.

I wish I could find the right words... to really express how much better I feel! The differences of how I feel are deeper and more impressive... than any feelings that I've experienced previously throughout my life. This was my 1st detox ever (I chose the 21 Day for maximum effort = maximum results). This experience has opened up all the doors and windows to my "forward" thinking and choices. I've learned so much!! (whole body and mind) I'm so super-duper excited to move forward with the empowerment that this Detox Course has installed within my heart, mind and soul.

The best detox!I feel absolutely incredible after this detox! It truly is life changing only after 7 days! Looking forward to my next!

Best way to start the New Year!I had already decided to commit to dry January, so why not throw a detox in too, right?! My sister and dad have completed the detox previous, so I was aware of the possible outcomes and positive effects. It was tough at times, but I got through the 7 days! All in all, I lost weight, my mood improved, better digestion, and slept great. I continue to keep those feeling and actions in mind going forward and would definitely recommend this detox for anyone looking for a reboot!

Amazing! I enjoyed the detox and found it much easier than I thought. I lost weight which was not really my goal, and my body looks and feels different. I seem to be sleeping better. I have more energy and it also appears I don't have as many aches and pain. I have been extremely happy, and I seem to notice things more intentionally including my eating. I miss the morning shakes so I will order that again to have for breakfast.

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